Aksaray University
Erasmus ICM
2022 Contract year 2022-1-TR01-KA171-HED-000078244-numbered Erasmus KA171 Project Teaching Mobility Application Result

The selection results for the Erasmus KA171 Project with the number 2022-1-TR01-KA171-HED-000078244 as of October 21, 2024, can be accessed here.

IMPORTANT: Applications have been evaluated according to the criteria specified in the Aksaray University Erasmus Staff Application Evaluation Directive. Objections to the results can be made until November 14, 2024. Objection petitions must be submitted to the Directorate of International Relations Coordination. In the event of any changes to the list of selected participants as a result of objections, beneficiaries will be informed, and the results will be announced.

Selected staff members are required to complete their Erasmus activities and return by the date specified in the announcement. If mobility activities cannot take place on the dates specified in the acceptance letter, the ASU Erasmus Office must be notified at least 15 days in advance. Otherwise, the participant will be considered to have withdrawn from the mobility.

Staff members who have qualified for mobility are expected to go to the institutions from which they received acceptance during the application process.

Beneficiaries listed in the announcement must submit the required documents to our Coordination Office at least 15 days before the start of the activity to ensure timely payment processing. Click here for the documents required before and after mobility to be submitted to the Erasmus Office.

A detailed information email will be sent to selected beneficiaries after the objection period.

For more information: Lecturer Meryem Arslan

Project Assistant Muhammed Ali Yorulmaz

O382 288 38 31

[email protected]

Erasmus Institutional Coordination [email protected]

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