Aksaray Üniversitesi
Erasmus ICM
Erasmus Policy Statement

Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS) Please describe your institutions’ international (EU and Non-EU) strategy. In your description please explain a) how you choose your partners b) in which geographical area(s) and c) the most important objectives and target groups of your mobility activities (with regard to staff and students in first, second and third cycles, including study and training, and short cycles). If applicable, also explain how your institution participates in the development of double/multiple/joint degrees.

Aksaray University  (ASU) aspires to enhance its international competitiveness and visibility through a comprehensive strategy aimed at the internationalization of all aspects; curriculum, courses, students, staff, projects and research In a globalised world, ASU aims to prepare its graduates equiped with the competencies to compete and face the challenges in the international arena.

ASU re-evaluated all the program competencies and learning outcomes as well as the courses in HE In line with the Bologna Process. ASU is trying to increase the quality, the graduate employment rate and enables access to high-level occupations for graduates. ASU educates experts in a range of fields for the needs of both working life and research. The educational development strategy is to commit teachers and students to a mutually responsible learning process. Active and continuous development of teaching and learning, including quality assurance, is a major part of ASU activities. Concrete aims include functional learning processes, teaching of high quality, an encouraging and inspiring atmosphere, better graduation rates, increasing internationalisation and for graduates to be satisfied with their degrees. In the curricula of different fields and in the concluding mobility agreements, internationality is taken into account so that credits can be transferred and recognised by both parties. When selecting partners, the special needs of various academics are taken into consideration. ASU recognises its European and global responsibility. Thus, its cooperation partners include, in addition to European and other industrialised or developed countries, also universities and organisations in less developed countries. Besides Europe, special emphasis is geographically paid to the cooperation in the, Region Western Balkans, Neighborhood East Central Asia, South Mediterranean Countries, Middle East, Russia, Asia  and Latin America and Pacific  works to develop new partnerships word-wide and to strenghten the already existing ones. ASU concentrates in the partnerships that best support the aims of mutual cooperation in each field, including Academic and student mobility and other curriculum development, lifelong learning, and cooperation related to graduate attributes e.g. employability and transferable skills, as well as technology transfer. For incoming students and staff, courses in the Tukish language and culture are offered.

.After initial memorandum of understanding, when both instutions agree on the details the final version of the inter-institutional agreement is signed. Therefore ASU checks the compatibility of study areas, the courses provided for the initiation of a partnership for mobility at first. Though i is not a criteria in itself, the language of instruction is preferred to be one of the widely spoken languages(mostly English). Last but not least, mutual trust and understanding is considered as a prerequisite for a successful partnership. Institutional priorities with regards to research areas and student preferences are also taken into consideration when building up new partnerships both for mobility and projects (international teaching, curriculum development, research).It is also important for ASU to increase international awareness and competences of all students and staff. Expanding the participation of students’ and staff’s involvement in mobilities is considered as crucial tool . In this context students of all cycles are given a higher priority.

ASU as an accessible university, aims to remove the barriers on the participation of its’ disadvantaged and disabled students in mobility. Mobility of the academic and administrative staff is considered as an important channel for transfer of good practices and innovation and building international competences and continuous professional development. Considering low participation rates, removing the obstactes on the administrative staff’s participation in mobility programs is also targetted. In ASU besides orientation and welcome days for exchange and degree students, International Relations&Erasmus Office assist international academic visitors, their families during their stay. ASU has strong cooperations with public and private bodies such as Turkish Employment Organisation, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization in Turkey, Scientific and Technological Research Center of Turkey (TUBITAK), municipalities, NGOs and SMEs, chambers of commerce-industry. To promote students to better traineeships and qualifications, ASU also aims to further its cooperation with the non-HEI institutions and form close ties with key stakeholders and continue internationalising / developing its curriculum, research and education. ASU hopes to take part in more innovative applications. Student and staff mobility will not only transfer the European and Non European university experiences to our university but also will act as a catalyzer for initiating new projects.A wide range of the partners is aimed to sustain to provide the most effective inclusion of all relevant parties for achieving diversity. Thus, ASU interacts with all levels of society and form more strong partnerships to produce knowledge and know-how for the needs of society. If applicable, please describe your institution’s strategy for the organisation and implementation of international (EU and non-EU) cooperation projects in teaching and training in relation to projects implemented under the Programme The Project Coordinating is mostly done through International Relations and Faculties will be responsible from promotion, development of the projects, giving administrative support upon request and the dissemination of the previous project results, search for further funding opportunities. The coordinatorship will also monitor the implementation the projects in accordance with the international ethics standards and social responsibility, as well as the European Convention on Human Rights.

Involvement of not only staff but also students is given a high priority; especially under Erasmus Intensive Programs and Youth in Action. Thus, students will also be given support (mentoring, information sessions, support in implementation and dissemination) for all the actions of Erasmus Youth Participation Program by the International Relations and Erasmus Coordinatorship.Apart from announcing the calls for proposals for projects and encouraging staff and students to produce and/or take part in those projects, the International Relations and Erasmus Office provides administrative and logistic support for organizing and implementation of their projects in terms of process of writing, establishing partnership or consortium, submitting, organizing activities, budgeting, reporting related deartments for recognition.

ASU considers International contact networks very important. Please explain the expected impact of your participation in the Programme on the modernisation of your institution (for each of the 5 priorities of the Modernisation Agenda*) in terms of the policy objectives you intend to achieve. Bologna Process and especially EU Education Program are considered as the anchoring power of the EU Programs to motivate ASU to continue improving quality in education, research and cooperation.

High numbers of unemployed university graduates discourages people from applying and continuing their education. As a result of the Bologna Process -increasing the relevance of HE- and international mobility -by increasing the competencies of the students in a globalised World more students are willing to participate Higher education., Besides ASU is trying to provide distance learning in some programs. Furthermore, mobility of students and staff; apart from individual gains, transfer of innovation, good practices and experience. Mobilities provides an opportunity for  two institutions to interact efficiently and develop projects.. The international work experince provided by the Erasmus Placement Erasmus (KA 131 and KA 171) (Training Program), also helps ASU in its aim to have highly qualified graduates, on demand with international competencies. ASU would like to enhance its international agreements and make them as active as Erasmus agreements. ASU also intends to increase awareness about European Integration and European Values/Citizenship studies, via preparing for Jean Monnet Modules. ASU is willing to set up alliances in order to engage new opportunities and facilities such as relevant workshops, studios and to develop new curricula and tailor made programs in relation with the needs of science and industry. ASU emphasis the student centred learning process in order to secure the successful graduation of its students. It also tracks the success of its graduates and collects feedback from students during studies. Doctoral Training is offered by the ASU Institutes. The Instıtutes cover all disciplines and Doctoral Candidates of the University. lt provides systematic and high quality doctoral training on academic topics.To meet the needs of the society, public and private sectors, ASU Institutes aim to train highly qualified experts with the skills required for both professional career in research and other positions of expertise. Learning mobility of students and staff is also an important way for strengthening the quality. ASU participates in international research and education mobility activities in order to recruit both degree and exchange students, as well as researches and teachers. These opportunities are utilised also for outgoing mobility.