Aksaray University
Erasmus ICM
About ICM - KA107


International Credit Mobility (ICM) supports the mobility of individuals enrolled or employed at a higher education institution (HEI), from a Programme Country to a Partner Country or vice versa, namely:

  • Student mobility for studies, open to short cycle, first cycle (Bachelor or equivalent) or second cycle (Master or equivalent) students, as well as third cycle doctoral candidates. The mobility period can last from 3 months (or one academic term) to 12 months.
  • Student mobility for traineeships, open from call 2018 to short cycle, first cycle (Bachelor or equivalent) or second cycle (Master or equivalent) students, as well as third cycle doctoral candidates. The mobility period can last from 2 to 12 months. See dedicated section on 'Traineeships'.
  • Staff mobility for teaching for academic staff and (from call 2018) for invited staff from non-academic organizations to teach at a partner higher education institution (HEI) abroad. The mobility period can last from 5 days to 2 months.
  • Staff mobility for training for teaching and non-teaching staff in the form of training events abroad (excluding conferences), job shadowing, observation periods and/or training at a partner HEI. The mobility period can last from 5 days to 2 months. This activity also supports the mobility of staff from Partner Country HEIs to train at a non-academic organization located in a Programme Country. See dedicated section on 'Staff mobility to and from non-academic organisations'. Student and staff mobility can take place in any subject area or academic discipline.

Moreover, there are no quotas for student or staff mobility with Partner Countries. In other words, HEIs are free to apply for staff mobility or student mobility, or any combination of the two. Staff teaching and training activities can be combined. A study period and a traineeship can also be combined, for a minimum of 3 months (or one academic term) and a maximum of 12 months.