Aksaray University
Erasmus ICM
Internatıonal Staff Week

Aksaray University International Relations Office organizes a Staff Mobility Week every year with the participation of academics from European and non-European countries in order to strengthen international academic cooperation. This program aims to encourage the sharing of knowledge and experience between our academic staff and our international guests and to lay the groundwork for innovative ideas and cultural interactions.

In addition to providing training opportunities to participants, staff mobility events provide an important platform for developing academic collaborations, increasing academic exchange, and expanding global academic networks. In this process, interactions between local and international academics contribute to the academic development of Aksaray University; it also offers participants different cultural perspectives.

This annual mobility program makes Aksaray University more visible in the international academic arena and contributes to our efforts to increase our international collaborations as part of our goal of academic excellence.

Outputs of the International Staff Week

1. Academic Collaborations: The program creates permanent collaborations between participating academics and paves the way for joint projects and research.

2. Global Perspective: By interacting with international guests, it enables participants to gain different cultural and academic perspectives.

3. Career Development: Increases staff competencies in their areas of expertise by providing academic and professional development opportunities.

4. Sharing of Knowledge and Experience: It enriches academic knowledge by sharing scientific knowledge among participants and learning new methods.

5. International Recognition: It increases the visibility of Aksaray University in the international arena and enables the establishment of more academic collaborations and partnerships.


The mission of Aksaray University Foreign Relations Office is to develop interaction and collaborations at the international level in order to support academic excellence. In this regard, to ensure the promotion of education, research, and cultural interaction, to strengthen the academic community on a worldwide scale, and to represent Aksaray University in accordance with international standards.


The vision of Aksaray University Foreign Relations Office is to become an internationally recognized academic center. Within the framework of this vision, it is aimed to increase global interactions, expand academic networks, and build a platform that encourages quality education and innovative research activities by creating continuous collaborations with academics from different countries. Aksaray University aims to be an institution that embraces cultural diversity, develops sustainable international relations and is a pioneer in knowledge sharing.